Fly Moon Royalty goes out with a Bang at Neumos

We knew that this show was going to be where a lot of people chose to go to tonight since it was going to be the last performance from Seattle’s own Fly Moon Royalty. We didn’t imagine that outside of Neumos there would be a whole bunch of scalpers waiting for fans trying to get a last chance to enter the venue. There was a lot of commotion and we didn’t expect anything less from such a powerful duo.

The place was packed for the lucky fans who got tickets for this final show. The night started with DJ Toya B that got everyone groovin’ and then the strong vocals of Paris Alexa. As the time neared for the main act a special performance was put on by The (Rat City) Fly Girls, who were the first troupe that ever danced with FMR. Emotions were rising high as Adra Boo and Action J appeared on the stage, while the audience was enthusiastically cheering and clapping.

The two hour set from the electro-soul outfit included tracks from their latest album “Delicious Trouble“, as well as older tunes. They also played some unreleased tracks in which they hinted might be coming out soon as a farewell gift to us. The stage set up had Adra and her backup singers towards the front, and Action J behind her standing in front of the keyboard/mixer with a guitar player next to him. Action J stepped to the front a few times to sing some tracks, while the neon lip imprint from the latest LP cover projected on the screen the whole set.

For a lot of the songs the Fly Girls came out and danced on stage along to the music and most of the time the show felt like a huge party. I’m so glad I had a chance to witness them play live as it was one of my favorites from this year. Along with their own songs they did a rad cover on the piano along with blues guitar of Sir Mix-A-Lot’s “Baby Got Back”, and it was the best cover of it I’ve ever heard.

Before playing “2-Way Street“, a track they recorded with Pickwick‘s Galen Disston, Adra gave a shot out to him expressing how talented he is and thankful they worked with him. One of the coolest things I saw all night though was not part of the show going on where the lights flashed. Adra’s mom was at the merch table wearing an apron with “Get Up In My Kitchen” lyrics and when the song played she didn’t stop moving at all. That is one of the best things I’ve seen at a concert, and it’s always nice to see such a supportive parent.

As the end drew near the duo stood alone onstage and Adra mentioned, “This last song is the first song we ever wrote together”, and they finished with “Android Love“. The pair who met at a sandwich shop working together has come a long way in their creative career and we already know that Mike is working on another project which we can’t wait to hear. They thanked everyone for standing by them and invited everyone up on stage to continue dancing and partying with them as the music played on. These guys were amazing live and it was great to be part of their last performance that was nothing short of magical.

Pictures courtesy of S.Barkalakis


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