LP Seduces Seattle Crowd with Love Lines

We headed to the Paramount Theater to catch one of our favorite singer/songwriters, the talented LP. Currently on tour supporting their latest record, Love Lines, we were thrilled to have a Seattle stop once again. Last time we saw LP it was for their Churches tour in April 2022 in the same venue. After many years in the industry and a lot of hard work, LP has made a name for themselves and has captivated fans around the globe. LP’s universal appeal, strong stage presence along with their mesmerizing song lyrics and very catchy music have made them one of the favorites to be seen at festivals and solo.

Kicking off the night was another incredible artist, Vérité who we haven’t seen in a while, but always enjoy.   The project of singer/songwriter Kelsey Byrne took the floor accompanied by her two musicians playing the keyboard, and absolutely captivated everyone in the audience during her short set. We are still huge fans of tracks, “Phase Me Out,” and “Constant Crush,” and whenever we hear her live, we are absolutely taken. Vérité shared that a new single was being dropped that night called, “paranoia/déjà vu,” and played it for us live. We got to hear songs from her new record, love you forever, are remembered why we just like her so much. It feelis like she’s an untapped gem in the music industry. Seeing Vérité is always a great deal and tonight was even more special catching her open for another favorite.

After a short break, it was time for the main act to take the stage. LP made their way to the floor wearing a red band jacket, and their signature hair bandana paired with some brown boots. Their majestic presence and captivating voice along with their high energy kept everyone hooked the whole night. LP started the night with new songs from Love Lines, “Golden,” “Love Song,” and “Burn it Down.” The stage was set to a Caribbean Island vibe with fake palm trees, a lot of retro elements like old lamps and furniture along with a sign that read love lines which illuminated during the eponymous song.

We then heard popular song “Girls Go Wild,” “One Like You,” and a song that LP demonstrated their powerful vocal skills, “The One That You Love.” We also noticed that their lighting was improved during this tour with the design and production which added so much to the show. We remember last time that we couldn’t really see LP during most of their set, this time the lights paraded along with the music perfectly aligned.

A simple, ‘I love you Seattle!’ made everyone scream and go loud when LP first spoke. They stopped to share that their next song is about holding on to something and like most of their songs it’s romantic because they constantly fall in love. LP spoke about writing with her guitarist and pandemic bud Andrew Martin, and that this one was the first song they wrote together. They went on to play the song together acoustically while everyone turned on their cell lights matching the words to song, “Hold The Light.

After that LP went on to once again to showcase her writing skills and her world-famous whistling talent with hit song, “Lost On You.” The highlight here was everyone singing along together as if the song was written for them and their pain of losing. LP’s songs feel like they’re made for audience participation and this song perfectly demonstrate their talent. We then heard, “Everybody’s Falling In Love,” as LP moved around the stage interacting with their adoring fans that just couldn’t get enough. LP often feels like a siren calling her victims from distant lands bringing them to their island and keeping them there for years without them having any concept of time passed.

When LP returned for the encore, we heard new, “Hola,” “When We’re High,” and my absolute favorite, “One Last Time.” I sometimes forget that this song was written in Greece but when I hear it, it has the power to take me there. I’m sitting on an island top looking at the sea, and when the bridge starts, I can almost see our famous actress Aliki Vougiouklaki dancing along. It’s incredible where a song can take your imagination. This is the power of LP and that’s why we never miss a chance to see them perform live.

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