Porches and sweet93 at Barboza
On a drizzling Seattle Saturday night, Capitol Hill was excited to have Porches and sweet93 perform at Barboza, an intimate 200-capacity venue. Sweet93 started with their dreamy and storytelling like voices with darker vibes in the room. The band played tracks from their debut LP, All The Same All Ok. They also shared some new songs and are currently working on their next record. Highlights of their set were dreamy singles, “Stars Above,” and “Be My Best,” and “what’s true?“
The fans were prepared better for Porches‘ set. The project of musician Aaron Maine formed in 2010 recently released their record, Shirt. For a first timer, their grungy guitars, Whiplash-like drum and resonating bass come along with a husky voice of vocals, it hooked you up just right on the spot. You just want to dance along with their innocent and yearning melodies.
Audiences were familiar with them, just like long-time-no-see friends catching up on the life stories via the music. It was a chill night in temperature, but the room was full of warmth and balanced tensions in spirit. Highlights from their set were “Rag,” “Itch,” “Bread Believer,” and “rangerover.”
Words: Shushu Liu